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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: This MPU Could Revolutionize Edge AI and Industry 5.0 Rudy Ramos
STMicroelectronics’ STM32MP25x series represents a leap forward in edge AI and IIoT technology. By integrating powerful processing, advanced multimedia capabilities, extensive connectivity, and hardened security, it delivers superior performance and security to IIoT applications.

Sensors and Analytics in Industrial Automation Hector Barresi
Sensors and analytics comprise critical Industry 5.0 technologies and serve as key enablers of industrial automation. Leveraging these technologies can turn data into actionable insights for safer, more efficient, and more sustainable operations on the factory floor.

Prioritizing Sustainability with Industry 5.0 Hector Barresi
Reducing environmental impact through smarter processes and AI-enhanced operations is a critical goal of Industry 5.0. Realizing this goal for a more sustainable, resilient, and resource-efficient future requires both technical innovation and organizational effort.

Human-Robot Collaboration Marsha Marcus-Kennedy
Cobots represent an Industry 5.0 manufacturing solution that puts sophisticated technology directly in the hands of operators. By automating repetitive tasks and enabling workers to focus on higher-level tasks, cobots ensure employee safety and simplify complex applications and programming.

Using Technology for Resilience Hector Barresi
Industry 5.0 technologies enable companies to integrate predictive maintenance, adaptive manufacturing, and digital twins, leading to improved resilience, better adaptability, increased efficiency, and enhanced productivity.

Safety in Industry 5.0 Hector Barresi
Industry 5.0 provides a new perspective on operational and functional safety in the factory. With the human worker at the center, advanced technologies are integrated to improve productivity as well as to create safer and more efficient environments.

AR, Robotics, Exoskeletons, and Drones Hector Barresi
As Industry 5.0 expands and integrates technologies like augmented reality, robotics, exoskeletons, and drones, manufacturers will benefit from sustainability, enhanced production efficiency, decreased human error, and safer work environments.

The Evolution from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 Hector Barresi
Expanding the concept of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 creates opportunities for more sustainable and resilient manufacturing, bio-inspired technologies, safer working conditions, and enhanced global supply chain operations by leveraging technological innovations and human intelligence.

The Future of IIoT Connectivity Marcel Consée
With Industry 4.0 being deployed in almost all production environments and the unique challenges of Industry 5.0 looming on the horizon, industrial applications demand high-speed ruggedized connectors. Learn how the ix Industrial™ connectors support next-generation Industrial Ethernet communication designs.

Component Gains Fuel the Next Generation of Cobots Poornima Apte
Robots have been part of the manufacturing landscape for decades, but the advent of Industry 5.0, fueled by Big Data, is helping retool the equation in favor of not only increased but more flexible automation from robots. Here, we will discuss some components that are making it happen.

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