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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Human-Robot Collaboration Marsha Marcus-Kennedy
Cobots represent an Industry 5.0 manufacturing solution that puts sophisticated technology directly in the hands of operators. By automating repetitive tasks and enabling workers to focus on higher-level tasks, cobots ensure employee safety and simplify complex applications and programming.

How Microgrids Could Reshape Our Power Systems Courtney Gross
Microgrids represent an innovative smart grid technology reshaping our power systems, integrating renewable energy sources, and paving the way for a more sustainable future. Discover their potential and explore the path forward for widespread adoption of these innovative solutions.

Automotive Interface Design for Diverse Users Julee Henry
Every element a consumer sees, touches, or hears when interacting with a vehicle is a meticulously crafted aspect of the human–machine interface (HMI) design. Designers must accommodate a diverse user base, prioritize safe use with minimal distraction, and meet global user expectations.

Zonal Architectures for Future SDV Success Divya Garikapati
By addressing the challenges of implementing zonal architectures in software-defined vehicles, we enable these architectures to be safer, more adaptable, more efficient, and lead to more personalized transportation in the future.

Machine Vision for Defect Detection Juan Ibarra
Food product warehouses are adopting machine vision technology for more efficient and more reliable defect detection through the use of high-quality optical illumination platforms, image acquisition hardware, and finely tuned software to obtain high-quality images.

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