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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Sensors and Analytics in Industrial Automation Hector Barresi
Sensors and analytics comprise critical Industry 5.0 technologies and serve as key enablers of industrial automation. Leveraging these technologies can turn data into actionable insights for safer, more efficient, and more sustainable operations on the factory floor.

Using Technology for Resilience Hector Barresi
Industry 5.0 technologies enable companies to integrate predictive maintenance, adaptive manufacturing, and digital twins, leading to improved resilience, better adaptability, increased efficiency, and enhanced productivity.

Predictive Maintenance vs. Predictive Resolution Poornima Apte
Predictive maintenance prevents equipment failures using data-driven insights. The evolution to predictive resolution goes further by suggesting real-time fixes for inefficiencies across business operations, from supply chains to worker scheduling, ensuring smoother manufacturing processes.

New Tech Tuesdays: Evaluation Kits for Predictive Maintenance Strategies Tommy Cummings
In this week's New Tech Tuesday, we'll look at evaluation kits from Analog Devices, STMicroelectronics, and Microchip Technology that help deploy PdM strategies.

Managing Bias in AIoT Models Stephen Evanczuk
Using machine-learning methods, developers can build applications able to predict outcomes based on sensor data from devices in industrial, healthcare, and other arenas, but ensuring reliable results requires careful attention to data used to create those models.

Digital Twinning and the Future of Transportation Safety Mike Parks
The tragedy that befell Southwest Flight 1380 in April 2018 is thankfully a rare event in modern air travel. Digital twining is a promising new technological concept that could soon help the transportation industry hone safety measures.

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