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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

What Are Piezo-Phototronics? Liam Critchley
Piezo-phototronic materials share many characteristics with piezotronic materials that help modulate charge carriers and electric currents at different semiconducting interfaces, but they also have photoexcitation properties that enable them to enhance a range of optoelectronic devices.

Using 2D Materials in Photo-Harvesting Applications Liam Critchley
As society looks toward more ways of harvesting our natural environment, 2D materials offer a way to efficiently harvest solar rays into a usable output. 2D materials use light to create energy via advanced solar cells, producing hydrogen fuel and facilitating advanced cancer treatments.

Nanotechnology Helped Realize Flexible and Wearable Electronics Liam Critchley
Flexible and wearable electronics are rapidly growing industries. The devices’ development and growth can be attributed to the benefits and specific properties of the nanomaterials commonly used within these devices. Here, we look at why nanomaterials are used in these devices.

Understanding the Chemistry of Semiconductor Junctions Liam Critchley
Chemistry plays a major part in why semiconductor materials behave the way they do, and why current can flow through a p-n semiconducting junction. Here, we discuss what effect chemistry has on these junctions, including some of the mechanistic variations that exist in electronics today.

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