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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

The Next Leap in Semiconductors Mouser Technical Content Staff
The semiconductor industry is prepping for its next leap—the 1.4nm process node, advancing AI, quantum computing, and transistor density by 2027.

Using 2D Materials to Create Water Energy-Harvesting Devices Liam Critchley
Designers can use 2D materials to develop different water-harvesting applications beyond the mainstream tidal and hydroelectric power harvesting process. These include harvesting energy from salinity gradients where water bodies meet and harvesting energy from rainfall and other water motions.

2D Materials in Triboelectric Nanogenerators (TENGs) Liam Critchley
The inherent thinness, active surface, and mechanical properties of 2D materials have the potential to create more efficient and longer-lasting TENG devices for powering small-scale electronics.

The Potential for Nanotechnology in the Aerospace Industry Liam Critchley
Innovation is always occurring in the aerospace industry. There is a constant drive to create lighter, more fuel-efficient, and safer aircraft. Even though many advanced materials are already used in modern-day aircraft, the beneficial properties of nanomaterials could improve them further.

Circuitry Has Felt Nanotechnology’s Impact Liam Critchley
Circuits and PCBs have been advancing rapidly for many decades, with each advancement being the product of the best available materials and processing environments of the time. In recent years, nanotechnology has been behind some of the significant advances in circuit board design.

How Nanotechnology Has Impacted Transistors Liam Critchley
Transistors are a staple component in many electronic devices and have continued to get more powerful and smaller. There are size limitations with current methods, so scientists have turned to nanomaterials and nanofabrication methods to create smaller and more efficient transistors.

An Introduction to Nanoelectronics Liam Critchley
As components need to get smaller to accommodate consumer needs, manufacturers need a way of doing this. Nanoelectronics is the creation of electrical components using nanomaterials that can not only reduce the size of the device, but also provide the same, if not better, performance.

Nanotechnology Is Inspiring Next-Gen Batteries Liam Critchley
Conventional Li-ion batteries have been the staple battery technology in many devices, from phones to handheld monitoring equipment, for many years. Rather than looking into new batteries, companies are looking to further improve the status quo by incorporating nanomaterials into Li-ion electrodes.

Why Nanotechnology Improves Sensors Liam Critchley
There is always a need to increase the capabilities of sensors. One effective way to do this is by employing nanomaterials as the ‘sensing surface’ or ‘sensing component’. Learn how the many beneficial surface, electronic, and structural properties of nanomaterials can make sensors more accurate.

Nanotechnology Helped Realize Flexible and Wearable Electronics Liam Critchley
Flexible and wearable electronics are rapidly growing industries. The devices’ development and growth can be attributed to the benefits and specific properties of the nanomaterials commonly used within these devices. Here, we look at why nanomaterials are used in these devices.

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