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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: Enhancing Machine Reliability with QUINT POWER with IO-Link Rudy Ramos
Power supplies fueled by Phoenix Contact QUINT POWER with IO-Link enhance manufacturing efficiency, productivity, and reliability by providing detailed diagnostics, simplifying efficient data communication, enabling easy access to machine parameters, and allowing adjustments during operations.

New Tech Tuesdays: Designers Face Unlimited Opportunities with Human-Machine Interfaces Tommy Cummings
In this week's New Tech Tuesday, we'll look at human-machine interface products from NXP Semiconductors, Microchip Technology, and Phoenix Contact.

Emission-free Utility and Special-purpose Vehicles Julia Krüger
New environmental regulations and the need to balance CO2 emissions make the change from combustion engines to battery-electric drive systems inevitable. This is where the universal vehicle charging inlets from Phoenix Contact can help.

New Tech Tuesdays: Single-Pair Ethernet Networking Proves Less Is More Tommy Cummings
Single-pair Ethernet uses one pair of wires rather than two or four pairs to transmit power and data easily from sensors to the cloud. These product lines feature SPE connectivity.

How Single Pair Ethernet Is Becoming the DNA of IIoT Verena Neuhaus
Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) is quickly becoming a mega-trend in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Here, we explore SPE, its advantages, how it is transforming industrial data transmission, and how SPE supports the future of industrial network technology.

PLCnext Technology…Open to the Future Yuri Chamarelli
PLCnext, a customizable open-control platform, enables engineers to run previously incompatible programming languages simultaneously. Learn how PLCnext gives an unprecedented amount of flexibility that organizations can harness to meet the challenges of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) revolution.

Adopting A Functional Approach To Control Cabinet Functional Design Mouser Staff
As more and more technology is deployed within industrial and commercial environments, there is an increasing need to safely and securely house all the various components that make up today’s control systems. Planning the design of a control cabinet according to equipment functions not only makes sense from the perspectives of accessibility, maintenance, and flow, but it also helps separate any equipment that might be susceptible to interference from other components.

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