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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: Two Oscilloscopes That Make Testing Equipment Waves Tommy Cummings
In this week's New Tech Tuesday, we'll look at Digilent and Keysight Technologies oscilloscopes for benchtop developers.

Master Chocolate, Army Knives, and Multi-Dev Tools Paul Golata
Imagine bringing the Swiss Army knife concept into the engineering lab and applying it to development tools. Taking inspiration from Switzerland and its most loved products, a new multifunction lab tool emerges that can replace a number of test and measurement instruments. What does this mean for engineers, hobbyists, and students? Let’s take a look.

Battling the Bouncing Button Mike Parks
Mechanical buttons and switches can present unintended input trouble for embedded electronics projects. There’s an undesired effect known as “bounce.” What is bounce? When you press a button it sometimes does not cleanly change states. There is some electrical noise generated as the button rapidly oscillates between states immediately after a button is pressed but before it settles. Think of it like pulling a mass-spring system downward, letting go, and waiting for it to settle at equilibrium. Switches and buttons oscillate similarly, though the time to settle is measured in milliseconds.

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