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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Work From Home Cybersecurity Tips for Engineers Clive Maxfield
Like many, I’m worried about cybersecurity. Is what I have good enough? With many engineers suddenly working from home, protecting their data is a priority. We’ll explore home-based security options that help protect important information, no matter where your office is set up.

Imposter Syndrome and Engineering Students Benjamin Miller
How long do you think you’ll last before they find out that you are a fraud? The first quiz? The first exam? Do you think you might make it all the way to graduation on a fluke before they realize that you don’t deserve to be there?

How to Crash an Engineering Course at Rice University Lynnette Reese
I never thought that I would be sitting in on an EE class, years after graduating, taught by a Professor Emeritus at Rice University. I snuck in at the tail end of the course when he was in the middle of discussing op amps. I feel so guilty; I haven’t paid the university a dime, but I am excited to be here. I settle in and listen for a while. No one asks any questions; I assume they are all busy taking notes. Then I sped up time a bit so things would go 25% faster, since I had seen most of this before. It’s handy, but you have to have a MOOC to do that.

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