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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Work From Home Cybersecurity Tips for Engineers Clive Maxfield
Like many, I’m worried about cybersecurity. Is what I have good enough? With many engineers suddenly working from home, protecting their data is a priority. We’ll explore home-based security options that help protect important information, no matter where your office is set up.

How IoT System Design Makes a Difference Sravani Bhattacharjee
In highly competitive IoT markets, it is hard to ensure secure design without tilting tight pricing and time-to-market. We’ll discuss a systematic, full-stack approach that simplifies security design for IoT systems by leveraging various security enabler solutions.

How AI Helps Fight Cybercrime Poornima Apte
Artificial Intelligence attends to a lot of the grunt work involved in cyber policing so analysts can focus on threat intelligence and more proactive responses, instead of simply putting out fires.

Securing IoT Products from Unique Threats Sravani Bhattacharjee
IoT products are vulnerable to several attack vectors and are frequently hacked for the lack of adequate security measures. This blog discusses the unique challenges of securing IoT and presents a methodical 4-tier system design approach to predictably secure IoT products.

Hacking Driverless Cars Mark Patrick
Reducing the attack surface of autonomous driving hardware and software is an integral part of a safety development process and a particular challenge for developers.

Everyone Huddle Around the Toasty Firewall Arden Henderson
Let's talk about firewalls. Let's say the reader is working on something very cool in her garage and worried about industrial spies stealing her ideas right off the hard drive. Let's say the reader is ordering pizza with a smartphone app. Perhaps the new TV sitting over there next to the bookcase is one of those smart TVs that can be controlled by voice, which means it is listening all of the time even when "off." (Think about that for a moment with the aforementioned state-of-mind.)

Time to Talk About That Word "Cybersecurity" Arden Henderson
What does the word "cybersecurity" mean to you? If you only follow the most shallow of news sources and don't wade into technical depth, the word has bound to surfaced more than a few times.

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