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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Differences Between Python and MicroPython Mike Parks
Python is a popular language for both desktop and embedded development. However, not all implementations are the same. Developers should be aware of the many differences between the reference implementation of CPython and the embedded-oriented MicroPython.

Introduction to Embedded Python Mike Parks
The Python programming language is available in various implementations geared specifically towards embedded firmware developers. Each implementation attempts to be compliant with CPython; however, each has unique design-driven attributes that should be understood.

Rise of MicroPython in Embedded Development Mike Parks
Embedded systems rely on tight integration of hardware and firmware. For decades, the C language has dominated because of its performance characteristics. Today though, MicroPython is rapidly gaining interest in educational and maker communities as an intriguing alternative for numerous reasons.

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