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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

To Patent or Not to Patent Christopher Estes
Whether or not to file for a patent is a key decision many innovators must make. It is an expensive, time-consuming process, but it may be necessary for investors to take your idea seriously. This blog looks at the ins and outs of filing for patents, what you can patent, and when to do it.

Proof-of-Concept Funding and the Crowd Funding Option David Talbott
Raising money to fund prototype development is always a challenge, but when it comes to proof-of-concept funding, crowdfunding offers a number of advantages over traditional funding sources. One of the most important is it gives you an early read on market interest in your idea.

Developing Your Design with the Help of a Hardware Accelerator Mike Reed
Hardware accelerators offer investment, networking, and expert consultation on aspects of technical and business development. With the hardware innovation space more competitive than ever, this help is vital. As a startup, if you can’t develop your technology and grow fast, you will fall behind.

Fab Labs Are Great Resources for Prototyping Sal Amarasinghe
Fab labs offer a way for engineers to quickly begin building prototypes. They provide reliable access to equipment and workspace at a reasonable cost with the added benefit of access to a community of engineering-minded people. The key is finding one that fits your project needs.

If You Build It, Will They Come? David Talbott
The essential hardware innovation question of “If you build it, will customers buy it?” keeps every maker, innovator, and founder of a startup awake at night. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to answer that question before investing a significant amount of time and money in a new idea.

A Lesson in Innovation: Bishop Curry and Oasis David Talbott
Innovations begin with ideas and inspiration. A tragic event inspired middle-school student Bishop Curry. Believing future incidents are preventable, he made a rough sketch of a solution, raised money through crowdfunding, and built a prototype. Now he owns the patent.

Welcome to Innovation Jeffrey Hutchings
Corporations and universities continue to play a key role in developing new technologies, but innovation is becoming more open than ever before. Easy idea sharing and development tools accessible to almost anyone are changing the face of innovation.

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