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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Human Augmentation and Arduino Technologies Bruce Byfield
Arduino microcontrollers are playing a major role in the development of prosthetics and devices for human augmentation. Once aimed at students and hobbyists, today Arduino technologies offer numerous advantages typical of open source software and hardware that significantly accelerate development and reduce costs.

Augmenting Intelligence: Enabling Neural Networks Paul Golata
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a connected system of nodes that transmit nerve impulses, much like human neurons do. ANNs have made significant inroads, helping technologists develop new solutions in machine vision, human speech recognition, and medical diagnostics.

Exoskeletons Present Mobility Solutions Using an Array of Sensors Steve Schriber
Powered exoskeletons augment or deliver motion capabilities using motors, sensors, actuators, power sources, and control units. Kinetic sensors such as gyroscopes, tilt sensors, inertial sensors, and accelerometers provide necessary feedback to help an exoskeleton stay balanced and on course.

Ensuring the Electrical Safety of Powered Exoskeletons Alex Misiti
Exoskeleton use in improving the mobility of patients with spinal cord injuries, helping industrial workers lift heavy objects, and enhancing soldiers’ abilities on the battlefield are obvious benefits, but designers and engineers must remove safety risks to ensure the health and well-being of users.

Biodesign by Design: A Look at Soft Robotics Mouser Staff
Building machines that can replicate the delicate touch of a human hand is a complex undertaking. Soft robotics uses soft, compliant mechanisms and actuators, built using fluids and flexible materials to enable a wide range of motion, making them more suitable for things like exoskeletons or wearables.

Robotic Suitcases Solve Several Travel Headaches Traci Browne
Tired of lugging your carry-on around the airport? Engineers now have a solution: Robotic suitcases that will follow you through the airport, charge mobile devices, weigh themselves, and more.

Flippy the Burger-Flipping Robot Jeremy Cook
While better wages and benefits are the normal way to recruit and retain employees, one innovative solution implemented in a Pasadena, California restaurant was to simply bolt the employee to the floor. Seriously. While this would get any human manager or restaurant owner in trouble with several organizations, the new burger-flipping robot—called “Flippy”—has solved retention and productivity issues.

Carrying an Intelligent Conversation with Chatbots Paul Golata
Have you ever knowingly encountered a chatbot? A recent experience left me frustrated, yet smiling when I realized that “Albert, the Customer Service Agent” was really “Albert, the AI Chatbot.” Even cooler is that “Albert, the AI Chatbot” was good enough to have fooled me into thinking I was talking to a human.

Android and Human Interaction: Warp Speed Ahead Paul Golata
Humanity is proceeding with warp speed in the interaction between humans, robots, and even androids—robotic machines that resemble human beings.

Reverse Engineering K9: The Lovable Cobot Dog from Doctor Who Alex Misiti
Although the Dr. Who K9 is said to be from the year 5000, many of the highly advanced (and at the time, fictional) capabilities he possessed are now a reality in 2018.

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