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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Work Smarter with Mouser Tools: Project and Cart Sharing Justin Risedorf

Sometimes, sharing is hard. Second graders know it and so do we. That’s why we’ve created Project and Cart Sharing, which are two new features that enable you to collaborate with others more efficiently. When you’re shopping on, you can either add items to your Project Manager or add them directly to your Cart. Though both platforms store the items you need, each serves its own purpose.


The Cart is your final step before purchasing. It is also where you can use Mouser’s “Customer Part Number” feature. With this tool, you can enter your own part number and Mouser will print that number right on the packaging for you. Then, when your parts arrive, you’ll know precisely which part is which as you match them to a schematic, for instance.


The Project Manager is helpful because it links to your Cart with the click of a button, but it also lets you organize and archive your project materials. If you are working on several projects at once, you can use the Project Manager to stay organized by storing the parts for each project in separate folders. When you move all of the items from your projects into the Cart to purchase them, the parts will be combined in your order but the Project Manager will keep your items organized so you know to which project they belong. What’s more, the Project Manager can act as an organized “archive” of parts and materials even after you’ve placed your order, so you can always reference back to your completed projects, just in case you need them again.

Best of all, both the Project Manager and your Cart can be easily shared with others. Simply click “Share” at the top right of the Project Manager page to quickly and easily create a link to share your project. It’s especially handy for sharing projects with Makers on sites like, because the share link will always reflect the current price of the shared cart, and you can update the project cart and the original link doesn’t change. You can even hand off the shared project to others to edit by sending them an invite to their email address.


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Project Sharing makes your life easier. Instead of emailing an Excel document back and forth, you can invite your colleagues to look at the same screen as you (with pictures and part information all in one place) and make better decisions in less time. No errors transcribing part numbers.


We know you’re working on exciting things, which sometimes means that your projects have lots of parts and your teams have lots of members. Our Project Sharing feature is the most effective, efficient, no-hassle way to share your projects with others. Makers, rejoice! This is just another way that Mouser is working hard to keep you organized, with all your projects, and all your teammates, all the time.



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Justin is a contributing author who loves to read and write about the advancements of technology and robotics. When not at work, you can find him conquering Risk and Catan or on an adventure with his wife and kids. Last Father's Day he received a #1 dad shirt, so now that's official.

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