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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas Deborah Ray

With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore

‘Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the office
Not a person was stirring, not even our bosses.
Our schedules were hung on computers with care,
In hopes that vacation soon would be here.

Our team was all nestled, so snug in our work;
Ogling new products, too, well that didn’t hurt.
With the boss in his cube and I at my desk,
I thought my poor fingers finally could rest.

When out of nowhere, there arose such a clatter;
I lurched toward my keyboard to see what was the matter.
Toggling Windows, some browsers, and even Flash,
I found analytics and reports, with data to snatch.

The light from my monitor seemed all aglow,
As my eyes scanned the data row by row.
The team now alerted, they later had said,
A lightbulb was seen going on over my head!

I yelled ‘cross the office to the boss (that’d be Raymond):
“You gotta come see this!” So, he came and,
More rapid than dial-up, his coursers, we came,
As he whistled and shouted and called us by name:

“Now Ryan! Now Joseph! Now Rudy and Paul!
On, Deborah! On, JPaul! Come down the hall!”
At the top of the hour, to the meeting we went
To discuss Mouser’s best tech content.

As dry leaves like the wild hurricane fly,
The ideas were many, the plan modified.
Then back to our desks like coursers we flew,
To get started with content we knew.

And then in a twinkling, I heard Raymond exclaim
The best of our content, the authors he named:
“There’s Schweber and Parks and Barak and Brown!
And Keeping and Pickering and Manz, I’ve found."

He paused, as Evanczuk and Ahmad didn’t rhyme;
“I’ll take care of it,” I said, “It’ll be fine!”
The topics—how they twinkled! The authors—so merry!
Their content was not only valuable, but very.

From autonomous vehicles to Bluetooth to drones….
Motors and power, “Wow! Our content has grown!”
Articles and blogs, ebooks and ezines,
Webinars and projects—they’re simply amazing!

Accurate and timely, Mouser’s content stands true;
Bringing key topics, top writers, and publications to you.
So we spoke not a word and proceeded with glee
To put the best of the best in this collection. You'll see.

From our team to your team, we’ve wanted a reason
To wish you merry moments this holiday season.
To celebrate the successes that you’ve engineered
And to tell you, “Stay tuned!” as we look toward next year.

Happy Holidays from Mouser’s Technical Content team:
Raymond Yin, EE, Director of Technical Content
Deborah S. Ray, Executive Editor and Technical Content Lead
Paul Golata, EE, Senior Technical Content Specialist
JPaul Carpenter, EE, Technical Content and Project Specialist
Joseph Downing, Technical Project Specialist
Rudy Ramos, Technical Review and Special Projects Specialist
Ryan Snieder, Production Specialist

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Deborah RayDeborah Ray joined Mouser in early 2017 as Executive Editor of Technical Publications, bringing more than 20 years of experience in technical publishing. As an author, she has coauthored more than 20 computer books, has published a dozen journal articles, and previously authored two nationally syndicated newspaper columns. Deborah spent 11 years as Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of TECHWR-L Magazine, the oldest and one of the largest online publications for technical communicators worldwide. As an educator, Deborah has taught graduate courses in technical communication at three universities, as well as undergraduate engineering communications courses, in traditional, online, and broadcast classrooms. She currently serves on the editorial board of directors for IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication.

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