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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: SIM Cards and LTE-Enabled Module Provide Cellular Solutions Tommy Cummings

New Tech Tuesday

Join journalist Tommy Cummings for a weekly look at all things interesting, new, and noteworthy for design engineers.

Machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) technology surround us. They facilitate the interaction of billions of devices that are either connected to each other or the internet. You'll find this technology in smart homes, health and fitness devices, or shopping.

M2M refers to machines that can communicate and share information without the need for human interaction. IoT includes interaction among things, people, the internet, and data. Once 5G becomes prevalent, M2M and IoT connectivity become even more vital.

The technology is expected to be even more prominent in the coming years. A recent Strategy Analytics report forecasts 5G connections to IoT devices to grow from less than 1 percent to 40 percent of all the overall connections by 2030.

This week's New Tech Tuesdays examines three products that are key to M2M and IoT project development.


Cards and Modules

Hologram eUICC Global Sim Cards put global cell networks in the hands of M2M developers—immediately. Hologram's platform provides the hardware, software, connectivity, and support to get IoT projects off the ground. The credit-card-sized cards have embedded chips that can tap into Hologram's dashboard and application programming interfaces (APIs) to help developers get real-time insights into data usage. Hologram eUICC SIM cards can be activated for transparent pricing and developer-friendly tools. The cards automatically connect to the best signal available on the network to put projects into immediate testing.

Sequans Monarch GM01Q Module adds Long-Term Evolution (LTE) connectivity to M2M and IoT devices. The module comprises the LTE platform and all other elements necessary for a complete LTE modem system. GM01Q Module's blend of LTE features and ultra-low power consumption makes it ideal for the design of cellular devices, including sensors, meters, buttons, and trackers of all kinds. The GM01Q Module is also compatible with any host running Linux, Windows, and a wide range of embedded and real-time operating systems.

Sequans Monarch GM01Q Evaluation Kit enables developers to perform out-of-the-box module testing on an LTE Cat M1 network. LTE Cat M1 allows IoT devices to connect directly to a 4G network without a gateway and on batteries.

Tuesday Takeaway

The emergence of M2M and IoT communications means a demand for reliable connectivity. Studies confirm the ramp-up of 5G addresses this need in a big way. With all this emerging technology, we're in a good position to build on cellular solutions, whether it's M2M or IoT. Bottom line, it's a matter of determining what best fits your project.

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Tommy Cummings is a freelance writer/editor based in Texas. He's had a journalism career that has spanned more than 40 years. He contributes to Texas Monthly and Oklahoma Today magazines. He's also worked at The Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, San Francisco Chronicle, and others. Tommy covered the dot-com boom in Silicon Valley and has been a digital content and audience engagement editor at news outlets. Tommy worked at Mouser Electronics from 2018 to 2021 as a technical content and product content specialist.

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