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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Are You Going To APEC? Landa Culbertson

This is my first entry for my new blog on power management topics, and I’d like to set the tone with one of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein. He said, “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”


To that end, I am looking forward to sharing useful information with the power electronics community in short, uncomplicated blogs. There are lots of great power devices whether new and state of the art or tried and true -- to bring to your attention.  I will also provide updates on emerging technologies that either enable advancements in power electronics such as wide bandgap semiconductors, or are enabled by new power electronics, such as wireless charging systems. As new resources become available, I want to highlight where to find them. I might also write about some of the great ways to connect with others for help with your power management questions or to network with like-minded folks. I also want to give you a heads-up on important industry events, such as the Applied Power Electronics Consortium (APEC).


Speaking of APEC, it is just around the corner…scheduled for March 16-20, 2014 in Fort Worth, TX. That’s just a short drive for me, but others might want to book their hotel and plane ticket soon. You need to book by February 21 to get the discounted group rate at the conference hotels, as well as to receive early registration rates.


This year marks the 29th APEC, with record participation from exhibitors and the power electronics community. The conference opens with two days of professional education seminars on six tracks (wide bandgap devices, fundamentals, emerging technologies, design, control and modeling, and components), with plenary sessions by impressive keynote speakers on the second day, followed by three days of technical sessions based on  544 papers, and 80 industry session presentations (no papers). There will be 331 booths in the exhibition hall, with some exhibitor seminars available as well.


Hope to see you at APEC 2014!





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Landa writes from Dallas, TX. She holds a BSEE, and has 18 years experience in the electronics industry, from tech startups to Fortune 500 companies. 

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