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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

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Making Sense of Smell Sensors David Pike

The Advantages of Olfactory Sensors

(Source: anetlanda -

We depend on our senses to help us understand the world around us. Each sense contributes specific information that our brains combine to create a picture of our environment.

With the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), we are increasingly dependent on technology to help make complex decisions on our behalf. Machines powered by AI and ML must also form an accurate picture of their surroundings, and we should equip them with the technology they require to collect the information needed.

Sensors play a vital role in this modern technology by providing machines with the information they need to function correctly. Designers have long sought to provide machines with equivalents to the senses. The human brain is superbly conditioned to understand the information that the sensory organs can collect. However, artificial sensors often need more sophistication. Early sensors could not interpret the information gathered without the processing power that is now available. 

Many sensory devices, including light and proximity sensors, are limited because they rely on a clear line of sight or physical contact to function correctly. As the applications for today's technology become more complex, designers can no longer rely on simple sensing technology.

Smell as a Machine Sense

The sense of smell, known as olfaction, is a form of chemical analysis of low concentrations of molecules that are suspended in the air. When these molecules encounter a receptor in the nose, signals are transmitted to the parts of the brain responsible for smell identification. Olfaction sensitivity depends on the concentration of receptors, which varies from species to species. For example, a dog’s nose is far more sensitive than that of a human, and they can identify concentrations of chemicals that are far too weak for humans to notice.

Detection dogs have been valuable companions to humans in various tasks. Aside from the search for contraband or weapons, these dogs can also help detect medical conditions before symptoms develop. They have been used in other fields too, including environmental management and fire investigation. However, the training of a detection dog takes many months, and they are often only trained for a certain number of scents. Dogs are also of limited value in an industrial environment.

Olfactory sensors offer versatile and unique advantages as a detection method. Unlike image recognition and other vision-based technologies, olfaction does not rely on line-of-sight detection. Odors can be detected from unseen objects, whether hidden, obscured, or simply not visible by other means, allowing olfactory sensor technology to work without the need for invasive procedures. This makes the latest advances in olfactory sensors ideally suited for a range of applications.

Three Places Smell Sensors Make Sense

With advances in technology, artificial smell sensors, designed to mimic this extraordinary human ability, are now finding applications in diverse areas. By analyzing chemical signatures in the air, these sensors are unlocking new levels of safety, efficiency, and early detection in places like airport security, factory floors, and doctors' offices.


The sense of smell does not require physical contact, making it ideal for detection in large spaces. For example, olfactory sensors can be deployed in airport security, collecting information about passengers or bags as they pass. Equipped with a database containing chemical signatures and the processing power to analyze a very high number of samples in real-time, these sensors allow security personnel to let passengers flow through the facility easily, only stopping those identified as of particular interest.


The industrial world is also adopting smell sensors. Many industrial processes have the potential to create hazardous byproducts. Olfactory sensors can monitor air conditions and highlight the dangerous buildup of harmful chemicals. They can also deliver meaningful information about the industrial process itself. High concentrations of unburnt fuel in the atmosphere can result from incomplete combustion, indicating that a process is using energy inefficiently. A different smell could indicate if oxidation requires prevention. In both cases, olfactory sensors can provide an early warning of a problem and advise the best course of action to remedy the situation without human intervention when combined with the latest AI technology.


The healthcare industry is home to some of the most exciting applications for olfactory sensors. Medical technology depends on early diagnosis to deliver the best clinical outcome for patients. Many conditions, from cancer to diabetes, cause detectable changes in the body's chemistry. Using sensors to detect changing odors can provide a critical early diagnosis that will significantly improve the chances of effective treatment and recovery. These sensors' non-contact, non-invasive nature makes them useful for an initial consultation without delay caused by more traditional blood or tissue analysis techniques.


Alongside traditional vision-based sensors, olfactory sensors deliver a range of advantages over other technologies. They do not require a physical line of sight, nor do they need physical contact to work.

With applications in a wide range of industries and applications, from security and industry to groundbreaking medicine, olfactory sensors work in conjunction with other techniques to provide machine systems with the feedback they need to help improve lives.

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David Pike is well known across the interconnect industry for his passion and general geekiness. His online name is Connector Geek.

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